Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stormy Thursday!?

It started off stormy this morning and gray ominous clouds were on the horizon all day threatening bad weather.  Alais they were just trying to bully us.  Wimps!

Went to Dillards to check out their 70% off sale.  Most of you won't be able to believe this, but me, yes me, left without a thing.  Shocker!

Can I go one rotation of days off with out dropping by Gracie Lou's and not buying some cute fabric?  I think not!  ;-)  I may subscribe to the philosophy that the one with the most fabric before they die wins. 

Suzy is snazzing up some plain Jane pillow shams for the girls new beds.  Bright colored rick rack is doing the trick.  Love them.

Just my first day off so hopefully more excitement ahead.  Check back to see what we have been up to.


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